Tuesday, 20 November 2012

PAT Notes













PAT Members,

Here are the notes from last night's meeting. I was glad to see everyone. Please read closely the information I promised about dates is included. Note that I have to propose a new date for the Daddy Drop Off. You will be getting a couple of emails from me in the next few weeks. Remember 2012-2013 PAT is Bigger and Better!




Wednesday, November 07, 2012

5:21 PM



Parent Action Team











PAT Agenda




Team Builder


·         Reflect on Bingo Night

·         Post it Gallery Walk

o    Write Glows and grows based on the following categories on three post it notes

·         Planning Process

·         Logistics

·         Joy factor

o    Post each note under the correct category on the wall

o    Share

 One winner per game

Rotate parents from concession stand to game area

Ms. Hernandez made my night




Reminders and



·         Review last months notes






·         Nutrition Class

·         Daddy Drop Off

·         Parent Resources

·         Carpool directory


·         Before Care programs

·         Supply Collection

·         Uniforms

·         Winter Wear

·         Food Drive

·         School Supplies

·         Volunteer Opportunities

·         Reading is Fundamental

·         School Store

 Nutrition Classes will start in February

·         Goal of at least 10 parents at each meeting

·          4 weeks for 1.5 hours

·         Child Care is provided

·         Raffle for a gift card at every class

·         Day of the week and time

o    Rotate times

o    Classes 1 and 3

·         Thursdays at 4:30pm

o    Classes 2 and 4

·         Thursday at 5:30pm

o    Feb 7

o    March 7

o    April 4

o    May 2


·         Daddy Drop Nov. 20th 730-9am

o    I check my schedule and I am actually out of the building Thursday morning :-(

·         Cafeteria

o    Waffle maker and mix Warren (wheat baed or most nutritious)

o    Griddle

o    Sausage- Ms. Jenifer

o    Juice Ms. Ward

o    Coffee- Ms. Ouarid

o    Tea bags- Ms. Ouarid

o    Ms. Brown Paper product

o    Fruit tray- Ms.Quarles

o    Ms. Loring Serve

o    Serve Ms. Ward

o    Serve

o    Aunt Debbie (Gavin) Set up and Serve

o    Item to share with dad's

·         Buttons- Proud DC Prep Parent

·         Carpool

·         Post email list serve address around the whole school

·         Before care-Next time parents ask I will direct them to the PAT meeting

·         Volunteer Opportunities

o    RIF Dec. 11

o    School Store Dates will be sent out to the list serve

 Nutrition Class-


Sarah Waybright will attend Dec 20  Winter Festival and Jan 31 Parent Association meeting (This is not a PAT meeting;-) to promote with families












See new date proposal




House Keeping and Announcements


·         Next meeting date

 Dec 5th 530pm



Upcoming Events


Awards Ceremony Upper School Nov. 9 2pm

EC Nov. 16th K times to be announced

 Lost and found- Ms. Loring getting belonging back to owners

PAT sponsored Family Nights- Ms. Ouarid


Ski trip

Bowling night

Kick Ball

Baseball game Staff vs. Family

Watkins Park

Basketball game

Ice at the Galore


Roller skating

Camping Trip

Parent date night Movie Night

Gettysburg Farm Mason Dixon Farm- tours Sarah Waybright

Fort Dupont Ice skating

Fashion Show

Taco Tuesday/Thursday



Winter festival Art show

Dance party

Bake Sale


 Ms. Loring and Mrs. Warren will connect about a plan


Ms. Ouarid and Ms. Warren will create a plan and present at the next PAT meeting







Created with Microsoft OneNote 2010
One place for all your notes and information



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