Wednesday, 28 January 2015

[tfctoastmasters:580] Today's Deadline...

Toastmasters: if you would like to volunteer to help feed the homeless, please email me by the end of the day today.  We have 2 people committed, but we were hoping to have at least a group of 5 people go on April 3.  Please let me know as soon as possible today!  See email below for more information.  



On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Omer Ipekci <> wrote:
TFC Toastmasters - we had a great meeting this past Wednesday, with some fantastic speeches!  We thank everyone for their enthusiasm, and if you were not able to make it to the last meeting, we look forward to seeing you on February 4th.

At this past meeting, we did discuss one of our Club goals for the upcoming year, which is our commitment to living up to our Club's name "Talk for Change," by proactively looking for ways in which we can help create positive change in our community.  We thought we would kick things off by volunteering at DC Central Kitchen, which is an organization that prepares food for the homeless in Washington, DC.  We're looking to organize a group of at least 5-6 volunteers for the 3-hour time period (which involves 3 hours of food preparation), but, of course, the more the merrier!  DC Central Kitchen volunteer slots fill-up quickly, but right now, the month of April is looking good.  For those interested in signing-up for Friday, April 3rd, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., please email me by next Wednesday, January 28th, so that we can coordinate with the organization.

We are also looking for other opportunities to make an impact on our community, and if you are aware of any events or organizations, please let us know!

On a final point, please note that volunteering is not mandatory, and though we are going to try to do this as a group, there is no expectation that being a member in TFC Toastmasters requires volunteer work; we do, however, want to give you a venue, and provide options.

Please email me by Wednesday, January 28th, if you are interested in participating in this opportunity!  Please email me or call me at 917-855-9163 with any questions.

Thank you,

Omer Ipekci


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