Sunday, 16 September 2012

PAT Agenda

Good Sunday Morning Team!

My apologies for sending this email late. Here are the notes from our meeting. The BINGO night notes will be sent in a separate email in a moment.


PAT Agenda

Friday, July 13, 2012

10:13 AM


Define PAT

Set the tone for the year- celebrate accomplishments, present goals, norms for meeting

Develop Buy in to goals for the year

Ice Breaker (5 mins)

Overview of PAT (5 mins)

Difference between PAT and PA

Complete background check forms

Reflection on 2011-2012 (5-7 mins)

·         Muffins for Mama

·         Daddy Drop Off

·         Role model dinner

·         Bingo Night

·         Field Day

·         Faculty Appreciation Week

·         Surveying parents about activities and times they are interested in


Goals for 2012-13 (5mins)

·         Strength partnership between families, teachers, admin, and community

·         Build up  presence through volunteering and participation

·         Increase  parent involvement

·         Communicate events and opportunities to parents and families

·         Sustainability and Maintaining PAT Participation

How do we meet these goals?

·         Weekly voicemails, announcements in parent bulletin, written communication

·         Class or Grade level Parent Point person

·   Tiffany PK

·   Shantay 3

·   Alexia 2

·   Ashley 1

·   Ebony PS

·   Brittany K

·         Staff Presences at PAT meetings

·   Eleanor Sims

·   Rhonda Henderson

·         Potluck at every meeting

·   We will all bring in snack and bring in more as needed

·   Coker chips and salsa

·   Tiffany Water


·         Child care from 4-6 for families that attend


·         Parent Resources at PAT table for each event

·   Life pieces to master pieces

·   Boy Scouts

·   Girl Scouts

·   Boys and Girls Club

·   Karate

·   Dance classes

·   Dept Parks and Rec


·         Process for recording parent volunteers at PAT events

·   Sign in binder at front desk

·   Sign in sheet for each event

·         Process for parents to volunteer at the school

·   Teachers submit ways that parents can be involved in their classrooms

·   Sign in sheet for parents to fill out when they come in

·   Drive for parents to complete background check form

·   Grade Level competition for volunteer hours, raffle for parents that volunteer and/or grade level with the highest participation determines how we use Box Tops money , Safeway, Harris Teeter

·         Flyers in homework folders to advertise PAT meeting

·         List serve/ google group

·         Email question, concerns, suggestions to PAT rep if not able to attend

·         How will we know we met our goals? (5 mins)

·         70% of families represented at each PAT sponsored event

·         Consistent attendance and representation at each grade at PAT meetings

Planning (15 mins)

·         September and October Prep

·         Bingo night

·         Possible events this year

·         Spelling Bee

·         Karaoke

·         Read a thon

·         Bake sale

·         Craft show- Fall festival Decorating

PAT meetings (2 mins)

·         Next meeting Wednesday 530 Oct 3

·         Regular Meetings Second Wednesday of the month 530-630

Closing (3 mins)


Created with Microsoft OneNote 2010
One place for all your notes and information


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