I am writing to let you know that the Kenosha Social Capital Study has just been re-released on amazon. Many of you have used my Kenosha Social Capital Study Report as a policy study on diversity, poverty, urban transformation, welfare systems, faith based organizations and as a monograph in courses since it was first published in 2002. The project was featured in an interview with Cokie Roberts on NPR. Kenosha is still an internationally recognized model and I receive requests for this report regularly. The study was available through my GWU website until 2014, and is now available again both in paperback and kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Kenosha-Social-Capital-Study-Nonprofits/dp/1530071070/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462224880&sr=1-1&keywords=Kenosha+social+capital+study
For those of you not familiar with this study, it looks at the dynamic among Kenosha, Wisconsin's African American and Latino non-profits, churches and Kenosha's citywide system of nonprofits, faith communities and government to support families using public workforce development, welfare and related systems. Kenosha is the small city that is a model for U.S. 1996 welfare reform and is one of the few rust belt cities that has been able to create a successful mixed economy after its major manufacturing employers left. Its also demonstrates how social capital works in communities, as well as discussing a number of issues of interest to those working in diverse communities and on poverty related issues.
Please pass this message on as appropriate.
All the best,
Jo Anne2003-2005 AAAS Fellow
1989 American Anthropological Association Policy Fellow
Jo Anne Schneider, PhD
Principal, Chrysalis Collaborations
Research for Practice and Policy
Associate Research Professor, George Washington University
Linked profile: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jo-anne-schneider/8/8b/662
Website: http://www.chrysaliscollaborations.com/
Faith and Organizations Project website: www.faithandorganizations.umd.edu
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