And if the possibility of a free ticket doesn't sway you, this is Bastille Day, and if you say, "Happy Bastille Day" to the staff today, you'll get a free Liberté tart. C'est magnifique!
--Registration for iOSDevCampDC 2015 just opened up recently!This is the seventh year in a row we've held it and we're going to have another awesome line-up of speakers. It's a great time to learn more about iOS development and get to know other people in the local and global iOS community. Plus we'll have lots of food and a t-shirt, all for a fraction of what you'd pay at other conferences. As Jose has been known to say, we aim to have almost comical amounts of food and drinks available for our attendees at what is sometimes jokingly referred to as LouieConf. Plus, all of the proceeds raised from ticket sales will go to benefit Women Who Code DC.Here's just some of our speakers this year:Natasha Murashev (@natashatherobot), who has one of the largest Swift mailing lists in the world, will be talking about developing for the new OS in town: watchOS.Last year Eloy Duran (@alloy), creator of CocoaPods, spoke about its advanced usage. This year, we will have two members of the CocoaPods core team: Boris Bügling and Samuel Giddins.Boris (@neonacho) is a Cocoa developer in Berlin who works on the iOS SDK at Contentful. He will be talking about what is new in CocoaPods as well as sharing tips and tricks on Xcode oddities.Samuel (@segiddins) is a developer at Realm, working on building modern and elegant developer tools. He will be talking about the limits of modularity.Veronica Ray (@nerdonica) is a software engineer at LinkedIn. She will be talking about making Swift even more functional.The conference is happening Friday, September 4th at the Capital One DIG space in 8020 Towers Crescent, which is right near Tysons Corner Mall.Find out more details at the website:It has sold out almost every year we've had it, so register soon.Cheers,Louie - Lead Organizer, iOSDevCampDC 2015
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