FellowsCareers mailing list
The Fellows Careers listserv is intended to provide a free forum for exchange of career information among current and former AAAS Fellows only. AAAS does not monitor, sanction, or endorse the content of information exchanged through the listserv, except when posted by AAAS Fellowships staff acting in a professional capacity. Opinions or points of view expressed in a listserv message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of AAAS or the Science & Technology Policy Fellowships Department.
Thought this may be of interest to some WAPA student members. Please pass on as appropriate. Note, the deadline is 1/13. Just the messenger...
Jo Anne
-------- Original Message --------
To: Former AAAS Fellows and Science-Policy Community more broadly
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Each summer, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), located in Schloss Laxenburg near Vienna, Austria, hosts a selected group of graduate students, primarily doctoral, from around the world in its Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP). These students work closely with IIASAs senior scientists on projects related both to their thesis research and one or more IIASA research programs.
I am writing to ask for your help in publicizing IIASA's YSSP Program for 2014. The application deadline is January 13, and we want to spread the word about this great opportunity as widely as possible. Please help by forwarding the announcement to as many appropriate graduate students, graduate department secretaries, university careers offices, and listservs as possible.
The question most frequently asked concerns funding. For students selected to participate, funding is available for travel and living support, principally from IIASAs twenty-one National Member Organizations (NMOs), who fund primarily students from NMO countries. However, applicants from all nations are eligible to apply, and some unrestricted fellowships are available.
The flyer below describes the program, and contains links to details related to applications, eligibility, and funding.
IIASA is an international, nongovernmental research institution located just outside Vienna, Austria, supported by its twenty-one National Member Organizations. IIASA is known for its interdisciplinary research, combining natural and social sciences with integrated assessment techniques and advanced mathematical methodologies, with a goal of providing policy insight on issues of regional and global importance in the following fields:
· Energy and Climate Change
· Food and Water
· Poverty and Equity
· Energy
· Transitions to New Technologies
· Advanced Systems Analysis
· Ecosystem Services and Management
· Mitigation of Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases
· Evolution and Ecology
· World Population
· Risk Policy and Vulnerability
· Water
Please help by forwarding this announcement to as many appropriate graduate students, graduate department secretaries, university careers offices, and listservs as possible.
Many thanks for your help.
Maggie Goud Collins
Margaret Goud Collins, Ph.D.
IIASA Secretary Science and NMOs
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Schlossplatz 1
A-2361 Laxenburg
+43 2236-807-354
+43 676 83807-354 (mobile)
| | | The YSSP is a three-month program held in a beautiful Palace in Laxenburg, near Vienna, Austria from June through August. It is designed to help participants forge lasting professional contacts as well as gain entry to IIASAs influential global network of scientific researchers. | | | During the summer months, young scientists research and produce a paper with a policy-related theme that will be considered for publication. They are also encouraged to attend seminars and workshops to broaden their perspectives and strengthen their analytical and presentation skills. The program is open to advanced PhD students from all over the world. | | | Funding is available for successful applicants who are citizens or residents of countries where IIASA has a National Member Organization (NMO). In addition, a limited number of applicants from non-NMO countries are accepted each year, with funding provided in exceptional cases. Applicants academic interests should coincide with current IIASA research and methodologies. | | | | | | | |
-- Jo Anne Schneider Associate Research Professor Anthropology Department George Washington University jschneid@gwu.edu home.gwu.edu/~jschneid www.faithandorganizations.umd.edu
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