Tuesday, 19 November 2024

[wapadc] Praxis casebook - request for feedback

Hi folks,

I hope all is going well with you in these interesting times.

You may recall that the late Charlie Cheney and I published "Profiles of Anthropological Praxis: An International Casebook" in 2022; the paperback version came out earlier this year at a more reasonable price. The book's primary design is to serve in graduate and undergrad seminars, or similar classes where real-life cases of anthropological praxis can be reviewed and discussed.

Details about the book are here: https://wapadc.org/Praxis-Book-2022.

I am quite interested in finding out how the book is being used in the classroom, what a strength and weakness might be, and how we can improve a future volume. If you are a faculty member who has used the book, or if you know of someone you think might be using the book, Id' be very grateful if you could forward this message on to them to help us produce a future volume with another round of cases.

In any case I hope you are all well and thriving.


1. What is your general impression of the casebook?

2. For which class(es) do you use it?

3. What is a strength of the book?

4. What is a weakness of the book, or an area where it could otherwise be improved?

Please return your responses to Terry Redding at terrymredding@gmail.com at your earliest convenience, preferably by the end of calendar year 2024.

Thank you for your assistance,

Terry Redding, co-editor


Anthropologists, see our casebook, Profiles of Anthropological Praxishttps://wapadc.org/Praxis-Book-2022. Now out in paperback!

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