Friday, 24 March 2023

[wapadc] FW: Iowa City VA COIN seeks Qualitative Core Director, materials due 4/14

Forwarded by Mark Edberg, WAPA's incoming president.



From: 'Moeckli, Jane K. (she/her/hers)' via VA-Anthropology <>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 9:01 AM
Cc: Solimeo, Samantha L. (she/her/hers) <>
Subject: Iowa City VA COIN seeks Qualitative Core Director, materials due 4/14

Greetings!  Please circulate widely.  Samantha and I are available to answer questions about the position, CADRE/VRHRC, and Iowa City.  Applicant materials should be submitted no later than EOB April 14. 

We are seeking a

Core Director for the Ethnographic Methods and Implementation Core (EMIC)

at the Iowa City VA COIN, Center for Access and Delivery Research and Evaluation (CADRE)

Duties: Successful candidates will oversee all aspects of qualitative work conducted by 17 VA and contract staff in support of approximately 35 research- and operations-funded projects led by investigators affiliated with CADRE, the Veterans Rural Health Resource Center – Iowa City, and other associated centers and programs.  The EMIC Director is responsible for ensuring scientific integrity, quality, and timely data collection, analysis, and dissemination for a range of research, evaluation, and quality improvement projects; managing staffing, projecting future staffing needs, and planning strategic growth through direct hires and contracts, in collaboration with center leadership; fulfilling first-line personnel supervision for 10 full-time EMIC staff, including recruitment, retention, and evaluation; developing or organizing training and professional development opportunities for EMIC and other staff, including in-house seminars and sourcing external trainings; maintaining current knowledge about dynamic national and local policies impacting qualitative data collection and updating EMIC policies to remain in compliance; and working closely with center leadership to ensure smooth operation.  The candidate will also provide qualitative design support and lead qualitative data collection, analysis, and dissemination activities for a portion of their effort.

Position details:  The EMIC Director is a GS13 term position, renewed annually.  Administrative support to lead the core is provided and remaining effort is covered through project work. The incumbent can pursue their own line of independent research in their non administrative time, but intramural funding is not a requirement. Successful candidates will receive federal government benefits.  Telework is negotiable.  Start date is flexible; summer 2023 is preferred.

Requirements: The position requires a PhD; demonstrated expertise in ethnographic and qualitative methods and health services research or applied medical anthropology (or equivalent); research experience in VA; at least 12 months employment as a GS12 or higher GS level within the federal workforce; excellent written and verbal communication skills; and experience and interest in working in a highly collaborative interdisciplinary team-based setting. Applicants are encouraged to highlight administrative and/or leadership experience, including project and team management or leadership in research and non-research capacities.  US Citizenship required due to federal guidelines.  Occasional project-related travel may be required.  Relocation to Iowa City, Iowa is strongly preferred, but not required. 

About EMIC: EMIC provides scientific leadership as well as instrumental and technical support for VA research and quality improvement projects.  EMIC is comprised of Co-Investigators, analysts, and transcribers with expertise in qualitative and implementation science epistemology, methods, theory, and analysis. With 10 PhD and highly experienced Master's trained staff and a program manager and Director with dedicated administrative time, EMIC is the largest and most established formal Qualitative Core among HSR&D COINS.  We have a robust infrastructure that supports our research activities and collaborative environment. 

For more information, please email Dr. Jane Moeckli ( or Dr. Samantha Solimeo (  You can also connect with us in-person during the SfAA Annual Meeting, March 28-April 1, or at the Iowa City meet-and-greet on Thursday, March 30, from 5-7 at Homemakers Bar (Homemakers Bar), 39 E 13th St. – about a 5 minute drive, 10 minute bus ride, or 15 minute walk from the conference hotel. 

To apply, please send a cover letter, list of references, and current CV to Dr. Jane Moeckli ( no later than EOB Friday, April 14, 2023.

Jane Moeckli, PhD (she/her)

Cross-Center Director of Operations

Center for Access & Delivery Research and Evaluation (CADRE)

Veteran's Rural Health Resource Center – Iowa City

Iowa City VA Health Care System (152)

601 Highway 6 West

Iowa City, IA 52246


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