Wednesday, 17 June 2020

[wapadc] AAA career webinars starting in July

Hi everyone:

Some colleagues working in academic situations may find their fall employment prospects rather dim. To that end, AAA will be conducting a series of four career webinars starting July 9 at 1 p.m. EDT. Successive webinars are slated for the three weeks following, same time slot. The first will be led by Sabrina Scott, and will focus in particular on the "elevator speech" to potential employers. 

The current themes are as follows:
• Marketing yourself, including practice in giving an elevator pitch (via break-out sessions)
• Networking and preparing or updating a LinkedIn profile along with conducting an informational interview
• Creating an interesting and effective resume (via break-out sessions)
• Learning tips for responding effectively in a job interview 

AAA is seeking younger professionals in particular (as I have now reached gray beard status, this means under 40 or so), particularly professionals of color, to serve as break-out discussion leaders during the webinars. Please consider participating and sharing your experiences and suggestions for the next generation of colleagues, or forward this message on to others who might be interested.

 I am not sure of the specific time commitment, but there may be a pre-webinar discussion/orientation, and the webinars themselves will probably be an hour or two. No real prep is needed; it's just a matter of answering questions and sharing experiences.

If you are interested, or if you have questions or thoughts, please contact Elizabeth Briody, who is copied on this message, and me, ASAP.   

Best wishes and stay safe,


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