Friday, 14 June 2019

[wapadc] Take the Anthro MA survey

Ten years ago, the AAA sponsored a survey of anthropology Master's degree holders. The insights gained were invaluable in understanding what graduates were doing for their lives and careers. The survey report can be found at

This summer, with NAPA support, a group from the University of North Texas is running a follow-up survey to see how Master's holders are faring today. 

The survey is open to anyone who received a Master's degree in any subgroup of anthropology prior to 2019 from a North American institution, regardless of prior or subsequent degrees. The survey can be found at

The survey would benefit from your input, so please take a few minutes to participate. WAPA members are asked to please also forward the link on to colleagues in the DMV and beyond who might be otherwise disconnected from the discipline. 

The survey will close August 31st. 


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