Thursday, 18 April 2019

[wapadc] Fwd: April 19th: GWU Anthropology Department Symposium and 2019 Jane B. Hart Lecture

-----Original Message-----
From: GW Department of Anthropology <anth@EMAIL.GWU.EDU>
Sent: Wed, Apr 17, 2019 4:20 pm
Subject: April 19th: GWU Anthropology Department Symposium and 2019 Jane B. Hart Lecture

Dear all,

Please join us this Friday, April 19th from 8:30am until 7:00pm for the sixth annual GWU Anthropology Department Symposium- Living Inbetween: Belongings and Exclusions. A full schedule for the day's events is attached. The event will take place in the Marvin Center Amphitheater on the third floor.

We are excited to announce that the symposium will feature the 2019 Jane B. Hart Lecture delivered by Dr. João Biehl. Dr. Biehl is the Susan Dod Brown Professor of Anthropology at Princeton University and the author of Vita: Life in a Zone of Social Abandonment and The Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival. His talk is entitled "Traces-of-What-One-Does-Not-Know Storying Affective Archives of War and Transcendence" and will begin at 4:30pm.

Please feel free to share this announcement widely. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday.


Matt DeMaio and Dana Burton

GW Department of Anthropology
Maggie Peterson (she/her/hers)
Academic Department Administrator 
Hortense Amsterdam House
2110 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
(202) 994-6075

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