Thursday, 15 December 2016

[ND-DC-YA] Par-lay Vous Basketball? Game Watch & Wreath Laying This Weekend!

Dear Young Alums,

Parlay -- that's the one Parlay...

Come join your fellow young alums this Saturday at PARLAY in Dupont to watch Purdue take on your Fightin' Irish! Read on for more details!


ND vs. Purdue Game Watch at Parlay (December 17)

Resume Review (January 15)


  • Wreaths Across America (December 17)

  • ND-DC Club Online Membership


Let's all accept it. We're a basketball school now. Come out and show your support for everyone's favorite sport (you like the way they dribble up and down the court) this Saturday and watch Notre Dame take on Purdue! Tonight head out to Parlay to watch some ND Men's Basketball and enjoy some food and drink specials at a game watch sponsored by Bud Light!

Tip-off is at 2 p.m. ET, and there will be food and drink specials! Parlay is located at 1827 M St NW close to Dupont Circle.

Come out and join us for good friends/food/times. Go Irish, Beat Boilermakers!

ND-DC is volunteering with Wreaths Across America in Arlington, VA (metro accessible!) on Saturday, December 17. Wreaths Across America is the annual event where wreaths are placed on every tombstone in Arlington National Cemetery. Gates open at 8am with the opening ceremony beginning at 9am.

To make linking up with the club easier, look for us at the Dutch Bell Carillon with a Notre Dame flag at 8 a.m. We will head into the cemetery at 8:30 a.m. Family, friends, and children are welcome!

DRESS WARM (bring gloves) and GIVE YOURSELF EXTRA TIME FOR TRAVEL AND PARKING as the event is very popular. There is limited parking at Ft. Meyer so we suggest taking the Metro; a blue line entrance is at Arlington National Cemetery.

Schedule of Events

8:00am - Arlington National Cemetery gates open to public

8:30am - Ceremonial Wreaths Across America Truck Parade arrives at Arlington's Main entrance (time approx)

9:00am - Opening Ceremony (McClellan Gate near the entrance of the cemetery)

10:00am - Wreath laying begins throughout the cemetery

11:00am - Wreath laying ceremony at President Kennedy's grave

11:30am - Wreath laying ceremony at USS Maine Mast

12:00pm - Wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

If you are interested in helping out, please email Matt Hopke at And feel free to pass on the invite/request to others! You can visit for details about the organization.

CALLING ALL RESUMES (Deadline Jan. 15)

Recent grad and still looking for that perfect job? Looking to switch careers, or for a new job? Just want to make sure your resume makes you sound as amazing as you are? Submit your resume for review by a qualified ND Alum! After submission, you will be matched with an ND Alum relevant to your industry to provide feedback on your resume and answer any questions. Sound good? Get your resume together and sent it via email to by January 15!

WHAT: Send Your Resume for Review!


WHEN: By January 15

WHY: To make your resume as ballin' as our women's basketball team! (we're a basketball school now)


If you are not yet a member of the ND-DC club, please consider it -- your support is incredibly important to our club! As a reminder, you can register for your membership online. It's fast, easy, and inexpensive for the YA members! Best of all, it helps us provide fun, diverse, and valuable opportunities for our alumni family. Click here to sign up today.


Interested in getting involved? Contact the co-chairs:

Want your content featured in the next e-newsletter? Email us.

Please check out the ND-DC Young Alumni website and Facebook Page for more information and to see upcoming events!

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